Fly tying Kits
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Lead a group
Standing in front of a group of dads and their kids tying colorful feathers to a hook might not seem like it could be life-changing, but the bond that happens when dads sit shoulder to shoulder with their kids, tying flies, and talking about life is nothing short of amazing. Teaching fly tying is challenging, rewarding, and fun, and it also has the potential to change relationships forever. So let us show you how.
tie flies with my child
There is something magical about sitting with your child and tying flies. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, creating something with your hands relaxes everyone, opens lines of communication, and creates a special bond. At the end of each session, you will hold in your hands a tangible reminder of the intentional time you spent with your child. That one fly also represents a hope of a time in the future when you will stand on the edge of a river and cast it into the water...together.
give a kit
Giving the gift of a fly tying kit to a dad and his child can potentially change the trajectory of their relationship forever. We've seen it happen many times before, and your gift may be the one that heals a relationship or strengthens a bond between a dad and his child. What a blessing to them and you.
A kit for a father & child costs Family Lines $148.00
When you purchase one of our Fly Tying Kits you get exclusive access to:
Online videos
Get online access to our exclusive instructional fly tying videos
how-to Guide
Our How-To Guide provides you with all the information, programming, and questions you need to get started.
Our FREE online training will prepare you to help facilitate opportunities for presence between a father and child while tying flies